Tree Drench Injections

Using a sophisticated injection tool that seals a liquid solution into the trunk where it is absorbed and circulated, your TruGreen specialist can deposit scientifically formulated solutions into the vascular system of your trees without causing damage.

Trunk injection service:

Spiraling Whitefly Control

The Spiraling Whitefly can cause significant damage to a large number of palms, trees and shrubs. Our solution provides long-term control to help give your trees, shrubs and plants the best protection so you can stay focused on what really matters—your business.

Contact us immediately if you see any of the following signs of infestation:

Tick Control

Ticks are more than just a nuisance for dogs and cats; they can transmit diseases and cause allergic reactions in your employees and guests. If your landscape features areas that are environmentally conducive to ticks and their hosts, such as mice and deer, your property may be at risk.*

To keep your business from being invaded by ticks, TruGreen® implements a two-part treatment program:


TruGreen lawn plugs are a remarkable way to establish lush, healthy turf or renovate a lawn in need. We evaluate your turf's thin and bare spots, and then with specialized tools, we remove sections of soil and insert new lawn plugs every square foot, where needed.

TruGreen lawn plug service offers: